Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

My experience of football competition OPEN DAY MIPA

I'll tell you a little about my experience of football competition OPEN DAY MIPA, the competition was followed by a six majors, such as the Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Computer Science course. This competition aims to build a sense of community among the various courses available in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences course through sports activities like football.

The reason I joined this competition is besides unttuk add my experience in playing football, of course, also to build a sense of community among every generation in the department of Computer Science course.

Early first workout with my friends I feel very awkward, because I was not familiar with my senior course, but with my confidence started to follow the full workout with the spirit with friends.
Approximately two weeks of training finally chosen for the competition team, majoring in computer science sent two teams, namely : team A and team B. With a bit of luck I entered the computer science team B, and the fight began, the first team against team B Mathematics A and there started my first game, but we lost 6-0,-____-, in contrast to the A team who drew against a team chemistry, in the second game against the B team Pharmacy and again we lost, and the team is also fighting a losing team biology, but in the third game  team A win and team B loses.

It's very bad results, but my friends and Computer Sciences remained patient receiving these results, we promise next year we will achieve victory, took the name of Computer Science won the competition next year, hopefully hehehe.

this is the picture off my freind, cuz i dont have the picture off me -__-

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